Hello Everyone,

Hope you will be excited to follow along for our new monthly blog! We are going to be including some of the things we love such as our favorite restaurants, museums to visit, travel destinations, and other activities that make us smile. There is no better time to kick this off than our birthday month. Every year we take a day to celebrate each other’s birthdays. We love to go into NYC and have a nice lunch and visit new boutiques to get inspiration to bring back to our customers. 

This year we will have lunch at Claudette, a coastal French bistro in Greenwich Village. We have visited here before and we enjoy the relaxing atmosphere and the knowledgeable and attentive staff. We can’t wait for the Moroccan Margarita and the Truffle Hummus!

Dawn has been looking forward to doing the tour at Grand Central terminal. She will go with John at the beginning of the month. We have done some of the tours with Viator before. Have you ever done one? They offer personal tours of popular attractions in major cities all over the world. We love to explore things in our own backyard. Denise enjoys museums and concerts with Aaron at Lincoln Center. She is looking forward to catching Gustalvo Dudamel this month. He is a Venezuelan conductor that she enjoys very much. 

We love sharing our tips as well as hearing about what makes our customers smile. Hope you will follow along with our new passion project!

Happy Spring,


Dawn and Denise


The delicious Moroccan Margarita



April 2011....Skyline Tour...NYC


Claudette....April 2024 Celerbating our birthday month!

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